Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snowshoeing with Steve

Steve & Doug & Aspen

One of the best things about my friend Steve is that he's always up for an adventure.  One of the other great things is that he's usually available in the middle of the week!!  When everyone else is working or at school, I can count on Steve for company on a mid-week back country excursion.  Today we went snowshoeing up La Plata Canyon with the dogs.

 Me & a found mine

After following other people's trails for a while we decided to break our own through knee deep powder.  While exploring, we happened upon this mining claim.  Crazy that we still live in the "Wild Wild West" where you can claim a mine and dig for gold or silver or whatever.  According to the USGS tag (the brass colored circle on the top right corner of the gate) this mine was established in 2008. 

 Another find was this snowball that had rolled down the side of the slope.  Upon inspection, we found that it had rolled perfectly straight down the hill (not randomly tumbling) thus resulting in a "jelly-roll".  If you look closely at the middle (double click to enlarge photo) you will see a perfect spiral!  It was shaped like a tire, so we had to lay it on it's side to capture the photo.

Another wonderful day in the mountains!!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

What a beautiful sunny day and fabulous scenery! Cool snowball, too! Oh yeah...thanks for the calendar, too!