Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baking Daze

I usually work way too much in a week.  However, this week I had a couple days off (besides Sunday - which is family day).  I love a day off when the boys are off to school or work and I am left home alone with the dogs and the cat and too much food.  That's when I throw on the music and get creative!!  The day started with croutons (see previous post) and progressed..

Quiche with spinach and green onions from the garden.

Happy Hubby Meat Pockets - similar to a Pasty (for those in the Midwest) - a bread dough filled with ground beef, tomato sauce, onion, garlic and herbs from the garden.  Then I pan fried them in a bit of oil.  My husband's favorite, but they are some what time consuming.  I usually make them, freeze them and use them in his lunches when I am short on time.
Inspiration sometimes comes from desperation.
When I woke up on Sunday and saw the temperature was 38 degrees I panicked and swiftly harvested my basil. (I left a few small plants just in case that Indian Summer does come.)  Into the blender, then into ice cube trays and Viola! Pesto cubes!  I combine the frozen cubes in a baggie and store in the freezer for a quick and easy side dish.
Who doesn't love Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies?!
Yummy Squash Bisque
3 quarts for the freezer!!
Finally dinner..
8 ball zuccini stuffed with ground lamb, onions and herbs baked with a parmsan and bread crumb crust served on vermicilli with fresh herb marinara - oh, and a slice of homemade bread!

I always feel so good after such a productive day.  I guess fall harvests and the cooler air just inspires days in the kitchen. 

Happy Harvesting!!

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