Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sunday Chores & Rewards

This Sunday was not one of lounging around and watching mind numbing TV and ordering take out- like so many oblivious Americans do now a days.  Perhaps we enjoy our simpler world, without television, working with our hands to create, build, grow and harvest.

 Jim & Stown

Waiting until 9 am before the hammering began (in consideration of the neighbors), the boys went to work on our new back deck.

Stacks of lumber await purpose in a new life as a deck.

I worked the garden beds.  I planted my spinach and lettuce starts.  In the ground a bit later than last year, but this fall has been quite a bit warmer.  Once sprouted and a few inches tall, I will cover the glass with cardboard and let them sleep under the snow.  I did this last fall and when the snow melted this spring I was able to harvest my first salad in March!!

The final harvest.... (clock wise from the top)
Cherry Tomatoes (will be wrapped to ripen inside), Radishes, Parsley, Spearmint, Catnip, Sage, Huge Green Onions, a Tiny Cantaloupe (I found it hiding under the tomato plant.) and Peppers (center).

Hanging Herb Bunches

Homemade Pecan Sticky Buns!!

They definitely kept us fueled for the day!

Hope you had a productive weekend!!

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