Monday, April 21, 2014

A Day Around The House

Sometimes it's nice just to stay home and get a few things done.
Usually I make this uber long to-do list and add to it as fast as I cross things off.  My days off are hardly relaxing when I decide to get stuff done.  However, yesterday was different.  I slept in.  I am usually a get up and get to it person.  Jim says that on the days I sleep in I sleep past my productivity.  True, I suppose on most days I can do more by 8 or 9 a.m. than most people do in an entire day.
Yesterday, I let the day flow in an organic unorganized energy and still managed to get a few things done.  I uploaded a TON of photos and have blog posts drafted up waiting to be finished and posted.  I baked two loaves of sourdough.  I roasted the last of the turkeys that we slaughtered last fall.  I worked in the garden beds with a little help.  I cleaned out the chicken coop.  I played with the BB gun.  I drank some wine.  I read part of a book.  I knit a bit.  I just relaxed!
 Me & "Cheep" labor working the garden beds.
Thanks for the help Scrappy & Cocoa Bean!
A portable dog kennel and a few sheets of metal roofing for shade/rain protection worked great to protect our girls in the front yard while they tilled the soil for me.
 Jim even got the garden / yard work bug.  Trimming dead branches off the pine trees with extreme amounts of caution - since he broke his collar bone 5 weeks ago.
Be Careful, Honey!
 Thanks to the handy user friendly design of the chicken coop I built a year and a half ago, cleaning is a breeze.  One side of the roof lifts completely off and I simply use a cat litter scoop to clean out the coop.  It's as easy as a litter box!
 Last fall I transplanted some horseradish roots.  Of course, I was given these roots the day after I had read an article stating that you should transplant horseradish in the spring not the fall.  Well, I followed the directions and stuck them in the ground anyway.  I have tried unsuccessfully to transplant horseradish before but I think it worked this time.  Anyone recognize this as a horseradish sprout?  (The lighter green sprout in the background is lettuce from last year.)
Jim challenged me to a BB gun competition late in the afternoon.  How could I say no?  He holds up the final results on the target looking slightly chagrined.  I was pink, he was blue - 5 shots each.
Well, thanks for visiting our corner of the globe. 
 I hope you had a relaxing Sunday too!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Love your "cheep" laborers! They do a really nice job of tilling up beds don't they? Since I don't have chickens I've taken to tossing feed for the wild birds in different places every week to keep weeds down in my flower beds and it works really well. Your yard is really coming together with all the hard work you are putting in.