Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Everyone in Durango leaves.

After 7 years of living here, making friends and watching them move, one might think that I would be used to this by now.  But I am not.  Over a year ago, I vowed to my husband that I wasn't going to make any new friends because they all leave and I am tired of it.  Tired of sharing, caring, loving and leaving.  Then along came Anne.  Perhaps our friendship wouldn't have grown so much in such a short time but she became pregnant and her family was so far away, I felt almost like a big sister.  Then Virgina arrived - way too early!  Little Miss showed up 5 weeks before her train was due and we all became instantly closer.  Pulling for this tiny 3 lb 6 oz specimen of perfection, we shared hope and love and tears and fears.  Now, nearly a year after her birth, they too have moved. 

 Little Miss enjoying a rice cake in the grassy shade of an early July afternoon.

 Enough with the photos - Talk to the Hand!

 A farewell BBQ got me and Ginny K a bit upside down with all those G&Ts.

What are these two planning?!

Maybe it was a smiley ploy to hide the tears.  Maybe it was a worried grin over how everything was going to fit in the trailer.  I will never know.
Meanwhile, life is back to normal here in Durango.  Life that will continue on with work and home and adventures until the next temporary resident passes through.

We miss you CVA!

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