Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trick or Treat!!!

November 2nd Harvest
What a treat, fresh off the vine tomatoes in November in a Zone 4 growing area!! The following pictures were taken by Jim on Halloween. While I did intend on harvesting my treats then, work got in the way. Darn work.

This is the 'Mater House. Even a freezing last week of October couldn't stop my gardening. It snowed and got down into the teens a few nights. Thanks from some advice from a friend I had built my "house" back in September right before the first day of fall. The beach towels add extra warmth and insulation at night.

I used two small pallets on either side and draped heavy plastic over three sides. The back is connected to the house. The overlapping flap in the front allows for access to water and or pick goodies.

Inside, while the plants are slowly withering away and dying the tomatoes are still ripening a little bit everyday. Notice that one plant is in a "wall of water" while the other is not, but both are in large containers. I used sticks from scrub oak that I had cleared in the yard to provide support for the branches and the plastic roof.

The day Jim took the pictures it was cold. However, a closer look inside reveals that it was almost 50 degrees inside the "house".
I will admit a few of the tomatoes were a bit mealy from the cold nights but most were perfectly sweet and juicy. I still have some out there. It has warmed up this week considerably, in the 60's the last few days. I am having fun with seeing how long these will last. I'll keep you posted.
So much for Early Girls being early!!

1 comment:

Jim said...

The one thing I miss about not living down at sea level is being able to garden all year 'round.

We still have some hardy greens surviving under plastic, and some parsley & rosemary haging on in the greenhouse but that's about it.

There won't be enough greens to pluck until early spring...