Thursday, November 21, 2013

Colorado Trail Series

Back in August of this year Jim and I took a seven day backpacking trip along the Colorado Trail.  The entire trail connects Denver to Durango and is a total of 483 miles long.  We only had a week or so of time off so the entire trail was out of the question.  However, the last 75 miles were totally doable.  Besides, traveling through beautiful mountains with no cell phones, computers or crowds was just what we envisioned as a perfect getaway.  A second honeymoon of sorts in celebration of our upcoming anniversary of 6 years of wedded bliss.  So, with much planning, calculating how many miles a day (based largely on water sources), days of preparing homemade meals (dehydrated and baked treats), pouring over our gear and finally hoisting up our 70 (plus or minus depending on the day and water needed) pound packs we set out for our hiatus from society.
What is to follow is a series of posts covering our wonderful adventure.  They will come as I have time to pour over the hundreds of pictures taken and find the ones worth sharing.  Grab your water bottle or coffee and share with us the miles, views and blisters of the next 7 seven days!
~ As always, double click on any photo to enlarge ~
Disclaimer: All mileages and elevations are based on guidebooks and not actual GPS readings.  GPSs were not carried on this trip. 
Colorado Trail Series
Day 1
Little Molas Pass to our first night's camp
Hiked: 8 miles
 Camp: 11,700 elevation

Much thanks to our dear friend Terri who got up extra early to meet us in town and drive us to the trail head on our first morning.  This would be the last car we would see for days and the last person we knew until we would arrive back in town 7 days later.

Me & Jim
Before we turned our backs on the civilized world for the
 next week, Terri snapped this photo of us next to the trail map sign.

Fly Agaric 
There was an abundance of these brightly colored mushrooms along the trail.  Of course, we would never dare eat anything we could not positively identify.  Once we got back home Jim did identify these gorgeous fungi - positively poisonous!

Let the views begin!
While the trail turned to the west, we couldn't resist stopping and admiring the views to the North.
 I love the simplicity of camping.  We each had our "chores" to be done when we arrived at camp each day.  Jim's was to set up the tent.
 As Jim set up the tent and arranged the bedding, I took a few moments in the sun to work on a pine needle basket project I had brought along.  Our camp "living room" had such an amazing view.

After getting his chores done, it was Jim's turn to kick up his heels and relax after the first day on the trail.

My turn!  Of course, I was the designated camp cook.  Only tonight's dinner was a surprise, so Jim was banished to the "living room" until our dinner was ready.

I love my husband but he was sure he would starve on this trip.  So imagine his surprise when I served up a plate like this for our first night on the trail!
New york strip, potatoes-onions-broccoli and a Parmesan roll.
Unfortunately, I might have set the bar to high for myself for the rest of the trip.
  I kept hearing, "Did you pack any more steaks?" for the next 67 miles.
Good night from Day 1.


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