Monday, December 9, 2013

Turkey Day

Happy Turkey Day!!

Jim and I had an unusual start to our Thanksgiving festivities this year - We actually killed our dinner!  We were introduced to a local farmer at a fundraiser back in October and reserved two heritage turkeys for the holidays.  We were invited to participate in the humane killing and preparation of the birds.  So on the snowy, wind blowy Sunday before Thanksgiving we went out to the farm for a lesson in Turkey Killing.  On our way we picked up another person in town to help, so there was five of us that day on the farm. (including the farmer)

Me & Jenny
I caught our first bird with ease.  "Jenny" (yes, I named her) was content in my arms to go for a walk.  I thanked her in advance for the delicious meal she would later provide for us.

Me & Jim
We hung the birds upside down.  This rushs the blood to their heads and they become very calm.

Farmer Ed 
After we pithed their brains, which numbs them by poking their brain through the roof of their mouth, we slit their throats and let them bleed out.  Then it was into a hot water bath and a "combing" of their feathers against the grain.  This loosens them for easier plucking.
We plucked and gutted outside with freezing hands.  Then I moved inside for the final rinsing and cleaning as instructed by the farmer's wife.
Our gracious farmer's wife had a delicious lunch of turkey vegetable soup with homemade bread and cookies waiting for us at noon.  True farmer style, feed the help!
He sells his birds to many locals who do not care to partake in the processing, so we helped him put up a total of seven turkeys that blustery day.  He said that was the farm record!  Usually, it is only him and his wife doing all the work.  He was grateful for the help.
The best turkey we ever tasted and it was nice to be involved from start to finish.  Someday we hope to expand the process even further by raising our own turkeys.
After a week and about a dozen failed picture uploads (sideways, upside down, lost connections, etc.) I decided to just post this story as is.  My guess is that it is the universe doesn't want pictures of us actually plucking, gutting or anything else that might be considered gross by some people.
Hope you had a memorable Thanksgiving!

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