Friday, February 7, 2014

Debt Free!!!

I can't believe the day has finally arrived!
Jim and I had our sights set on being debt free by 2017.
With much planning, frugality and financial diligence we have achieved our goal three years earlier than planned. 
Today, February 7, 2014 we made our final payments on all that loomed over our heads.
No more mortgage, no more student loans, no more credit cards!!
We have our sights set on maintaining a debt free future.
What good is $150,000 in a retirement account if you owe $300,000 in debt?
Why slave away day in and day out at a job only to pay a bank for the use of your house?
Yes, I said "use".  No, don't fool yourself by believing that you own your house because if you currently have a mortgage the bank owns it.  Just look at the past economy and the foreclosures that took place.  Not to be a negative ninny about people using the credit system to purchase items, I am just opting to use cash for items.  If we can't pay cash, we won't buy it - plain and simple.
Thus, reducing any chances of losing our possessions to banks.
Unfortunately, I know people who "lived" high on the hog during the heydays of bank loans and easy credit a few years back.  Now, after losing their houses, vehicles and recreational toys they are left with nothing but bad credit and monthly rental payments.
We are choosing to say "NO!" to the American lifestyle of credit cards and bank loans.
So, let today be our Independance Day!
Let us move forward with a lighter step unburdened by the clouds of debt!

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