Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

In celebratation of the infamous Hallmark holiday Jim and I decided to partake in the  "Totally Inappropraite Date Night" hosted by the Durango Discovery Museum.  The evening included beer, wine, desserts and sheep hearts.  After the hearts were passed out, we were turned loose with scalpels, scissors and other small intruments of destruction.  Our hostess gave a description of the anatomy of the heart and the function of the parts before we began.  The hearts were fresh from a local butcher, it was nice not to have the yucky formaldehyde smell and stiffness.  These muscles were gorgeous and pliable with just a hint of lamb odor - mint sauce anyone?  After about an hour of playing with our sheep heart (I know, it's not nice to toy with someone's heart), we put away the messy stuff and were treated to wonderful desserts and a lecture.  The lecture was on the chemistry of love.  Yes, the actual chemisty - hormones and chemical reactions and such.  It was definately a memorable evening.
 Me and the lovely fresh (no preservatives here) sheep hearts.
Eat your heart out!

I was careful to keep a valve intact. 
So delicate and beautiful, amazing that it preforms such a demanding job a gazillion times through out a lifetime.
Hope "Ewe" had a lovely date, too!

(pictuers by Jim 'cuz he had clean hands)

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